
Getting Started

Complimentary Telephone Consultation

30 minutes


Congratulations on taking the first step to an organised home or business.  Tell me your story.  What problem areas do you have and what have you tried in the past.  We will chat about what’s holding you back and what your decluttering and organising fears and dreams are.  Call Teresa on 0498 556 466 for a free Getting Started Consultation.

Initial Hands-on Consultation


minimum 2-hour session

$55/ hour

During your initial session we will tour your home, shed, garage, storage shed, or business. Then we will chat about topics like room purpose, foot traffic through the house, household routines, and organising styles. To get you started, we will then declutter a small area, perhaps a kitchen or bathroom drawer.  This will motivate you and help us work out how to approach our next decluttering and organising session.

Progress Hands-on Sessions

minimum 3-hour session


$55/ hour

This is where we start the real work.

Together we will work on:

· Removing rubbish

· Rehoming items belonging in other areas of your home

· Remove items you wish to donate

· Sort items you are keeping in the space

Then the organising begins.  We will organise the items you wish to keep in the space, storing like with like and letting your personal organising style lead our decisions.


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Contact Teresa to discuss your personalised service plan and start clearing the clutter and regaining control of your home and life.